Amisai's Nth Blog


Modular development driven by tests workshop

01 Dec 2013

Last weekend I attented to Modular development driven by tests workshop(sp) organized by Software Craftsmanship Madrid and facilited by @jacegu and @pasku1 and I really enjoyed it.

Using as example a usual use case (user management in a social network), this workshop attempted to provoke some reflection about good practices in programming, modular architecture of an application, learning to differentiate between bus iness logic and implementation details, differences between frameworks and libraries, and how frameworks condition quite early your application architecture (we even had time to mention ORM and The Vietnam of Computer Science)

Personally, I enjoyed quite a lot this workshop and conversations with my workshop partner were quite instructives. Our worshop code (java version) is in my github.

After a couple of days, I have some ideas:

As a personal task, I'd like to do this workshop in other languages. I use Java because I (and my partner as well) was more comfortable with it, but as firsts options I see Ruby (to try with a dynamic language) or Scala (to try a more functional approach).