JVM languages
- elastic4s - Elastic4s is a concise, idiomatic, asynchronous, type safe Scala Client for Elasticsearch. It provides a Scala DSL to construct your queries and (hopefully!) reducing errors and uses standard Scala futures to enable you to easily integrate into your existing asynchronous workflows. - ["scala"]:
- SORM - SORM is a Scala ORM-framework designed to eliminate boilerplate code and solve the problems of scalability with a high level abstraction and a functional programming style. - ["scala", "database"]:
- scalgorithms - Algorithms and Data-Structures in Scala - Scalgorithms is a collection of basic algorithms and datastructures written in Scala. - ["scala", "algorithms"]:
- Shoes! The easiest little GUI toolkit, for Ruby. - Ever wanted to build a GUI? Annoyed that it's so much effort? Shoes makes building for Mac, Windows, and Linux super simple. - ["ruby", "GUI"]:
- tmuxinator - Manage complex tmux sessions easily - ["tmux", "shell", "ruby"]:
- finite_machine - A minimal finite state machine with a straightforward syntax. - ["ruby"]:
- rubocop - A robust Ruby code analyzer, based on the community Ruby style guide. - ["ruby", "quality_code"]:
- Testrepository - Test Repository provides a database of test results which fits into developers work flow and keeps track of useful information like what tests are failing, or which failures have the same backtrace. - ["testing"]:
- TDD bin - the zero setup test env:
- chef-metal - A library for creating machines and infrastructures idempotently in Chef. - ["chef", "devops"]:
- docker-registry - Registry server for Docker (hosting/delivering of repositories and images) - ["docker", "devops"]:
- baseimage-docker - Baseimage-docker is a special Docker image that is configured for correct use within Docker containers. It is Ubuntu, plus modifications for Docker-friendliness. You can use it as a base for your own Docker images. - ["docker", "devops"]:
- mina - Really fast deployer and server automation tool. - ["ruby", "deployment", "devops"]:
- ADA-Framework - ADA Framework is the first library designed to simplify the source code of your native Android applications. - ["android", "databases"]:
Selendroid: Selenium for Android - Selendroid is a test automation framework which drives off the UI of Android native and hybrid applications (apps) and the mobile web. - ["android", "selenium", "testing"]:
Tips for Public Speaking -
-Presentation Zen: 10 Books for the 21st-Century Presenter, Storyteller:
-How to create animated GIF images of a screencast?:
Crowd Interactive Tech Blog :: 6 tools to keep your coder mind sharp: