It's been an intense week, before freezing deployments period at $JOB, so not so many links. May I choose two links today?
First has to do with all this electronics and domotic fever I'm suffering lately, but if a "common" guy (I don't know him/her, so maybe I'm talking too fast here) can make his smartphone do this, mmm, yeah, we're already in the future, we should be thinking in after-future.
The second one has to do with us, who we are, where we live. When awful (bad written, new age stuff) "Ten revelations" book tries to explain human history mentions this century (and two previous) scientifics as explorers, sent by humanity to understand Nature, Universe and Everything else. In this way, I think astronauts are this age explorers, human beings sent to explore outer limits. But then they looked back, and they saw Earth, and they saw us in different eyes. Awesome video: OVERVIEW
- mustard:
- better_errors:
- konacha:
- holygrailharness:
- Mopidy - A music server in python ["music", "python"]:
- kryten:
- FreezeGun - Freeze time ["python", "testing"]:
- grunt: a task-based command line build tool for JavaScript projects:
- 280north/jake:
- Flot: Attractive JavaScript plotting for jQuery:
- Skills Matter : Agile Testing & BDD eXchange 2012: David Eva:
- Query Mongo: MySQL to MongoDB Query Translator:
- twitter/twemproxy:
- MetricCatcher:
- graph-explorer:
- Anemometer:
- RiskDB Vulnerability Explorer:
- GitGutter, an SublimeText 2 plugin:
- git-pair - Configure git to commit as more than one author:
- Allura - sourceforge clone:
- Gitblit is an open-source, pure Java stack for managing, viewing, and serving Git repositories. It's designed primarily as a tool for small workgroups who want to host centralized repositories: ["git"]:
Electronics and domotics
- Koubachi - Wi-Fi Plant Sensor:
- Open the pod bay doors, Siri!:
- WiringPi:
- Hexxeh/rpi-update:
- Qucs project: Quite Universal Circuit Simulator:
- Pi-Face Interface for Raspberry Pi:
- Wiring Pi:
- stephanepechard/appypi - Sandboxing apps from Pypi packages:
- Rapid Prototyping for Microcontrollers | mbed: