Amisai's Nth Blog


Week 09/12/2012 at daHaus

09 Dec 2012

Normal week (at least for me, most of Spaniards didn't work on Thursday, lucky you ;-)), with some interesting links.

I've found Muse: The Brain-Sensing Headband. Fantastic idea, hope it's first of many more to come in new ways of interacting with surrounding technology.

This week I've started to read my old (from university) notes on electronics, and reading some ebooks on basic electronics (my brain is thinking again in concepts such as current, capacitors or N-P unions). It's quite possible a Raspberry Pi we ordered 5-6 months ago appears at daHaus this week or next, so I'm thinking in some basic projects (will I be able to turn on a LED? Not sure).

Besides, but close to it, I was reminded ideas like SmartThings: we sell you some sensors for your home, a hub for all information those sensors are going to generate, a web site where you can check can they're sensing, a mobile app... Idea is fantastic, I'll take two... main problem for me is price, not only initial $300, but the possibility of a $0-$14 fee per month... I also found hue by Philips, to handle lighting at home with a mobile app. Only sold through Apple (!?) and, yes, a bit overpriced (a hub and 3 fantastic multicolor bulbs per "only" $199).

As William Gibson said: "The future is already here -- it is just not very evenly distributed". He didn't say anything about overpriced...

Enough rambling (sorry), some links:




Java and other JVM languages


iOS programming


Design and graphs


Robotics and electronics
