Back to weekly summary, a week before some [short] vacations.
- Sphere Online Judge - is a problemset archive, online judge and contest hosting service accepting solutions in many languages:
- Rust Language tutorial:
- kennethreitz/python-guide:
- Best Paper Awards:
- Daily Code Drills - Daily Code Drills is an experiment to see if a daily drill in typing code makes it easier to then code:
- fixjour -Another fixture replacement:
- Unit Record - Enables testing ActiveRecord classes without hitting the database:
- RubyKoans:
- FixtureReplacement - FixtureReplacement is a Rails plugin that provides a simple way to quickly populate your test database with model objects without having to manage multiple, brittle fixture files:
- Object Daddy - Object Daddy is a library (as well as a Ruby on Rails plugin) designed to assist in automating testing of large collections of objects, especially webs of ActiveRecord models:
- The most complete list of -XX options for Java JM:
- Codahale - Metrics - Capturing JVM- and application-level metrics. So you know what's going on.:
- PrismJS - Prism is a new lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind:
- Capturing Performance Data from Selenium Tests:
- rollout - Conditionally roll out features with redis:
- Dynamo is not just for datastores:
Environment & Tools
- Bitcasa for Linux - Bitcasa: Welcome to infinite storage:
- statsd - Simple daemon for easy stats aggregation
- logstash - logstash is a tool for managing events and logs:
- libsaas - a library to take the pain out of using SaaS APIs, from ducksboard guys :
- fugitive.vim - a Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal...:
- homebrew - The missing package manager for OS X:
- Ansible, a radically simple model-driven configuration management, deployment, and command execution framework:
- Private Eye | Free Network Monitor for Mac:
- Planning Office Spaces:
Blogs & community
- Abstract Persistence Logic - Forty-Two :
- edX - The future of online education: